My Books

Friday, March 25, 2016

Share Your World - 2016 Week 5

If you had a shelf for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronic devices, and things stored on them, people, or animals), what would you put in it?
My Bible, my wedding ring, my glasses, so I can see the beauty all around me.

If you had a box labeled ‘happiness,’ what would you put in it? 

  • A jar of bottled sunshine. Nothing makes me happier than warmth. 
  • Pictures of my family, who give me more joy than one person deserves. 
  • Someone to help, because there's no greater joy than giving of oneself.
What do you want more of in your life?
I want more of Jesus in my life. I find that the more I become like Him, the more my life has meaning. I become less me focused, and more others focused. When I keep my eyes on Him, I can see the rest of my life in better perspective.

Daily Life List: What do you do on an average day? Make a list of your usual activities you do each day.

  1. Shower, make my bed.
  2. Feed the dogs.
  3. Eat my strawberry, blueberry, and banana fruit bowl with a cup of coffee with sugar-free hazelnut cream while I read my Bible.
  4. Post my blog posts on social media.
  5. Check e-mail and Facebook.
  6. Write blog posts for the following week.
  7. Throw in some laundry.
  8. Do dishes.
  9. Get the mail.
  10. Fold and put away laundry.
  11. Work on my writing project.
  12. Make supper.
  13. Watch TV with the hubby.
  14. Crochet or play computer games while I watch TV.
  15. Go to bed around 11.
The only regular variation on that is on Monday mornings I volunteer as a peer counselor at Choices Pregnancy Center from 8:30-1:00. And on Tuesday mornings I go to my writer's critique group, Tuesday's Children, from 9:00-12:00. Some days I substitute going to the grocery store or some other errand that needs to be run instead of doing laundry. At some point I also do bookkeeping for my husband's computer company. I wear lots of different hats around here.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I'm grateful we found an RV my daughter can travel in while she works with the Renaissance Fair at a price she could afford. Now for the fun of fixing it up! I'm also grateful to be getting over this cold that started Monday afternoon.  I look forward to Easter weekend, the great celebration of my risen Lord and Savior, Jesus!


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