My Books

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday Insanity

Insane Sunday mornings with young children. I remember the stress well. Aren't Sundays supposed to be a blessed day? Why did they always seem to begin with crankiness on my part, the kids, or both? Where was the peace of Christ when I really needed it?

I determined to make our Sunday mornings different. They would be calm, peaceful, and God-focused. But how? Here are a few things that helped turn insanity to inspiration.

1. Play inspirational music. I chose CDs that featured kids singing Bible lyrics. That way the kids tuned in better.
2. Pray with your kids the night before. Ask God to help you have a good start to your day of worship.
3. Lay out clothes the night before. Let the kids help choose what they wear. Then you don't have to make those decisions or fight those battles first thing in the morning. Also, make bottles, pack the diaper bag, find everyone's shoes, locate Bibles,and anything else you need to do to prepare for the next morning.
4. Get everyone to bed at a reasonable hour the night before. It's hard to be glad in your worship if you're exhausted. If everyone's well rested, you'll have a less stressful morning.
5. Get up early enough to spend some time alone with God before the kids get up. This will set the tone for the rest of your day. I know it's hard to get up early, but trust me. You'll never regret spending time with God before the rest of the troops arise. As a matter of fact, this may become your favorite time of the day.

Give these tips a try and enjoy your new Sunday morning routine!

Let me know if you try these tips and how they worked for you.What other tips can you give for a more peaceful Sunday morning?

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